Sunday, August 24, 2008

Slow down, danger ahead

Sometimes life throws you a couple of curveballs, and it can feel like you've been bounced around a few times too many. I've had a minor life changing moment a few weeks ago, with life holding up a massive stop sign. The realisation that I've been running on empty for too long, trying to keep going while my petrol gauge flashes empty. So I've been trying to slow down to avoid a crash, and catching the flu proved to be a good thing, because I've had to take the weekend off work. It also means having the weekend to rest and not worry about the time or being somewhere five minutes ago, which is an absolute luxury, like 300 threadcount linen. Meals have been simple and sparse, I just don't have the energy to plan ahead. So mostly leftover staples like fried rice, soups, both Asian and Western. I had a really good home-made minestrone at a cafe, so soup for the week ahead is going to be minestrone. I'm not going to bother with a recipe this time because it is quite straight forward, so just a list of the veggies I'm using (again the leftovers and ungainly) - cauliflower, carrot, celery, zucchini, roast garlic (for the flu), pumpkin or sweet potato, finished with a can of beans and tomatoes.

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